For about 20 years I have now been working as a leadership coach, facilitator and trainer for people with managerial responsibilities from all areas of economy, culture and science. In the process I was repeatedly encouraged, inspired and reflected on by exceptional teachers (i.a. by Dr. Roderich Heinze, Ursula Hohler, Arnold Mindell, Max Schüppbach, Prof. Fritz Simon, Prof. Matthias Varga von Kibeth, Don Beck, Peter Fischer and others).

At the heart of my work is the transformation work with individuals and executive teams. About ten years ago some colleagues of mine and I established the “Institute for Transformational Leadership”. As teaching coach (ECA) I hold regular coaching trainings for facilitators. Within my work it is especially important to me, to crystallize the vital and unique essence in people and their jobs and to contextually bring it into effect.

Having formerly worked in the film and advertising industry, I’m particularly familiar with an archetypically characterized work approach for scenario work, process design as well as brand and portfolio development. For the past few years I have worked increasingly in international contexts. Currently I am establishing a business axis between Berlin and Toronto, to be able to offer innovative training and developmental work with modern transformation stimuli from the respective continents. After many years of travelling, my centre of life is now and has been for more than 20 years my favorite city Berlin.